On occasion, I am the overjoyed (bah!) recipient of one of those pass-it-along letters bemoaning the fact that prayer is not allowed in our school system. Since I am sure that letter will still show up in my mailbox at some point, and I, to date, have seen no reply of note to that letter, here is my reply.
Some say that no prayer in school
is an ill begotten, odious rule
They protest this rule like stubborn mules
Since those who decreed this must be fools!
So I studied the tomes of history
(no revisionist crap, with its perfidy)
I wanted for myself to see
If it was fools that made the above decree
From times innumerable, again and again I saw
Masses of sheep cowed by Theocratic law
Was it the wrath of their God they were fearing?
(Or was organized religion social engineering?)
For the acolytes of faith were not God, but man
(who claimed to know the divine plan!)
“And only through me”, said they, “Would God you see!!”
(Why is it they seemed like con men to me?)
Then in the 1000’s A.D.
The Pope at the time made an onerous decree
Head ye all south to the Jerusalem shrine!
To reclaim it for your God divine!
For the Caliph taunted the Pope to his face
Jerusalem is all ours, this holy place!
(Even a King would not dare wreak that disgrace!)
So came the Crusades to teach heretics their place
And the hypocrites received absolution from God
As they raped, pillaged, murdered, tortured and trod
Upon temple and Mosque, and Statue and Synod
(Such a shining example of government and God!)
Then the early 1200’s came to be
Another power-mad pope with an odious decree
Catharites and Templars committed HERESY!
(The truth: Church coffers were as barren as can be.)
After they slaughtered and excoriated the sinners
It was only the church that ended up winners
With the blood money they earned, they built learned spires
(Was this God’s, or man’s desire?)
The 1500’s brought Protestant flames
Still Religion and Politics though, mixed up the same
The acolytes of power were responsible for this game
(Since we showed they were men, then man is to blame!)
The 1600’s brought learning, but man still had not learned
With the wars of religion, and witches to burn
Galileo was crucified on an Inquisitional Cross
Because the acolytes needed control of man through their god, regardless of loss!
Though explorers sailed the seas
The lands they found were for Christianity
Not at first were these lands for humanity
Which led to even more calamity
But the sanctified excesses of Organized Christianity
Pushed many an objector over the sea
And, while still, there were some calamities
For the first probable time, man was free.
Until, 100-odd years later, there arose a new state
Whose founders sought ills to ameliorate
After much contentious , spirited debate
These men did sunder church and state!
So, now let’s return to the present day
Where many are jealous of the USA
The Theocratic states are all in disarray
As their acolytes still murder and slay.
Because the founding fathers chose to delineate your rights
They debated and argued, day and night
And just in case they did not get it right
They allowed it to grow with futures light.
So now we should allow prayer in our places of learning?
(They do in the Caliphate polyglot)
Because it will soothe our perpetual yearnings?
Or maybe bring peace? (Alas, it will not!)
You say there would be choice in what was preached
(But I have shown you how often that was breached!)
Government, onerous and massively grown
Has proved humans will grind their own
Because when you mesh a church and state
The non-conformists would be branded ingrates,
Heathens, heretics, or worthless liars..
Perfect for fanning a Pogrom’s fire!
Be thankful that it is this way,
Instead of a malignant theocrat holding sway
Such that I can ignore religious decay
While you wait in rapture for judgment day
We are free to worship in our hearts
With little fear of being sundered apart
So on reflection of that allegedly odious rule
I am glad there is no prayer in the schools!
A Jaded Bard
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