Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Plug the Bucket Before you fill it with Water!

My (Radical?) Solution to Illegal Immigration

     Should I have been surprised at Congress tabling any immigration reform bills until they return from recess? No, I was not surprised at all. Actually, I am beyond disgust at this issue. I remember back in 1986, when that Immigration Reform Bill was to be the final solution to the issue. The gave amnesty to about 3 million illegal aliens. Now it is 2006; almost five years ago, an attack was carried out against the WTC by terrorists. We have now in place even more draconian laws to deal with the terrorist threat; it seems that Congress is better at passing laws then repealing the ones that are pointless and stupid.  The 1986 bill it seems was NOT the final solution to the problem, because now we have approximately 11 million illegals in the USA. You would think that all of the current bills up in Congress would address the root of the problem, but all that they do is give citizenship to the illegals already here and set the stage for even more to come across the border. It is no secret that Mexico uses illegal immigration as a venting system for its inefficient, corruption-besotted government, but the issue has finally come to a head: Do we allow the porous border we now have, or will it take another attack before the government gets enlightened?

     It is also time to face some harsh political realities involving the US-Mexican Border, such as:

  • No Democrat will seal the border because illegal aliens can be converted into Democrat Party votes. (Spare me the feigned outrage. I have lived in TX, AZ and NV; I know this happens)

  • No Republican will seal the border because they who have purchased a GOP member comprise a lot of big business; illegal aliens work for much less than a documented worker, often times with no benefits, thus increasing the Corporate bottom line.

  • A supplement to the above is that no matter how much the government says it will fine businesses that hire illegals, they are going to fine the self same businesses that contributed to a Senator or House Rep getting elected? No way will that happen; that’s a lame as the candidate who says he will make the rich pay their fair share of taxes. (They already do.)

  • A Libertarian would seal the border, but also provide a more sensible immigration policy to still allow people in, but these people would be LEGAL residents. Due to the current blood money system that reigns at the moment, I do not see thi happening anytime soon.

  • At the moment, we have NO idea who is crossing into the USA from Mexico at all. The Canadian border is nowhere near the problem that the Mexican one is due to a variety of factors like the Canadian Standard of living, the winter weather, and the wolves and bears about.

  • What will it take to get a proactive solution to this problem: A thermonuclear device smuggled into the US from Mexico and detonated in LA? It is well known that California has the most use for illegal labor; some say that removing the illegals would cause an economic depression in the state. Would a smoking black nuclear depression in LA be a better solution?

  • Look at it with this analogy: You have a leaky bucket into which you must place water to transport it. The leaky bucket is our border while the water represents the illegal aliens. You could use the leaky bucket to transport water, but water still would leak all over the ground, going everywhere with out you knowing where it is going. If the bucket was sealed up so it did not leak, then the water that you transport stays in the bucket; you know where the water is going. If the water is poisoned, you can dump all the poisoned water in one place and be confident none of it leaked on the ground, where it might harm your plants. This is valid ONLY if the bucket is sealed first. If the bucket is leaking, poisoned water goes everywhere. To add to this, if the flow of water  is controlled so that it only can emerge though a specific place, then you are allowing water to fill the bucket, BUT you have control of the water situation.

My Proposed Solution

     Okay, enough of the analogies and the specific reasons why no pending legislation will seal the border. The bottom line is that the border separating the US and Mexico MUST be sealed. My proposal is twofold though, because we not only need to control the flow of water so that sufficient amount gets to the USA, but we also have to plug the bucket. Therefore:

  • The US-Mexico Border will have two barriers erected from Brownsville to San Diego. The frontal barrier will consist of a 25 feet high Concrete wall buried 5 feet deep in the dirt for a visible height of 20 feet.

  • 75 feet further north of the barrier, a 15 foot electrified chain link fence will be erected once again from Brownsville to San Diego inclusive.

  • This could be accomplished in 6 months, considering the aridity of the border area. I know some people will say how will it be paid for, but consider how much money is spent from illegals using our services in the USA. Te reason for the 75 foot gap is to allow constant patrol of the border. If some enterprising individuals decide to tunnel underneath the wall and fence, thermal imaging will detect them. As tunnels are discovered, blow them closed and block them. If the coyotes and narcotraficantes want a border battle, they will be sharply reminded of the last time Mexico challenged the USA in battle.


     You have succeeded in fixing the leaky bucket. How to control the flow of water? By allowing Open Controlled Immigration at ESTABLISHED entry points.

Ellis Island

     “Ellis Island is a symbol of America’s immigrant heritage. From 1892 to 1954, this immigrant depot processed the greatest tide of incoming humanity in the nation’s history. Nearly twelve million landed here in their search of freedom of speech and religion, and for economic opportunity.”
     As I recall, some of my ancestors came through Ellis Island. It was a no-frills processing center that dealt with as many as 12 million immigrants that came to the USA seeking opportunity. That worked at the time; we have a lot more resources available to make it work better even now. The following locations will house Immigration Intake Centers. (IICs):

  • North of San Francisco

  • Calexico, California

  • Nogales, Arizona

  • South of Las Cruces, New Mexico

  • Del Rio, Texas

  • McAllen – Brownsville, Texas

  • North of Tampa, Florida

  • Jacksonville, Florida

  • South or North of Wilmington, North Carolina

  • (tentative) North of Glasgow, Montana

  • Seattle, Washington

  • (tentative) Detroit, Michigan

What will this do? This will control the flow of water (immigrants) into the country. The quota system as well needs to be put in the trash bin. This in combination with sealing the border addresses multiple issues such as:

  • Removing the incentive to illegally enter the USA. ( If you are a law abiding individual, you can go to an IIC and emerge with a green card.

  • California will have all the workers they need for their economy

  • It will be rather hard to hire illegals if there are not many to be found. Businesses will be forced to hire documented workers and allow for that adjustment.

  • Any amnesty passed could be processed through the IIC as well.

Possible Objections

How will we pay for all of this?

     How much are we paying every day now while more and more illegals flood into the USA? How much do they cost state economies in health care and law enforcement expenditures? No criminal or never-do-well is going to risk going through an IIC and be caught. They will be the ones trying to sneak in illegally. They are the ones we do NOT want in this country at all. The barrier and the IICs will eventually pay for them selves, as well as provide decent work opportunities for bi-lingual and multi-lingual people.

It is a violation of the illegal immigrants’ rights to bar them from a better future!

     No, it is a violation of OUR rights that we have to suffer the flood on illegals into this country with essentially no controls at all. OUR tax money pays for what services in the US they use and OUR law enforcement has to waste manpower in rounding them up. The barrier is to preserve our sovereignty and increase our safety. They can go to an IIC because, if they have nothing to hide, they will get a green card and be allowed to be in this country legally. Of course if they have a criminal record or are persona non grata, then your argument is void.  We are not entering their country illegally and putting a grievous load on their infrastructure; it is OUR right to protect this country and know who is entering it!

They will come in by sea then!

     A far more difficult means to enter, and we do have a Coast Guard. Also by putting an IIC at either end of the barrier, that should take care of most of the people seeking to live in the USA. If they want to float in by sea and make it to an IIC, then all power to them.

In Conclusion

     I have yet to see any Immigration reform bill in Washington DC that addresses the border first and foremost. There is NO point in offering amnesty with an open border because more will flood in for the next round. McCain- Kennedy even goes as far as to encourage more to flood in, because the federal government will collect $2000 from each illegal in the country (can you say endless revenue source?) I will vote against any candidate or incumbent that:

  • Votes for amnesty without sealing the border first.

  • Votes for any proposal that allows the federal government to milk this issue for its own personal gain, disregarding any security risks.

It is time to make this Immigration reform a true and final answer to the issue that we face. I welcome all commentary and suggestions either pro or con

A Jaded Bard